Monday, February 8, 2010


I started exercising a couple weeks ago.

I know what you're thinking: SERIOUSLY??!!??!!?? (remember when you used to write questions like that and pass them to your sixth grade best friend)

Yes. I'm as serious as a dictionary.

Or maybe even a thesaurus.

Yeah. Seriously.

Anyway, come to find out that what they say is true: exercise DOES make one feel better. I would go so far as to say optimistic, even.

Come to further find out that most of my blogging inspiration is housed in a somewhat sarcastic, often pessimistic place. A solid structure built with a hefty amount of annoyance. A cottage in my mind that Endorphins have turned into a construction zone. Cones, barrels and yellow tape. The works.


I am just too exhausted to find things ironic or infuriating. Or to type.

(have I mentioned how tired I am?)


In the mean time, please have your fill of pictures. As it turns out, my physical dwelling has recently been the recipient of a few minor changes, as well.

Behold, the much-anticipated entry wall:
(with a base coat of turquoise and a red bow)

(and after lots of aggravation, por fin el fin)

Also, my orange cabinet, which made its public debut a while back in a post related to skinny jeans:

(and my new turquoise it not to DIE for? Now I need to paint that green wall. I'm thinking dark brown?)

I welcome any and all suggestions (unless you hate my turquoise wall, in which case I say to you good day). Also welcome: volunteers to help choose paint, volunteers to tape off baseboards, volunteers to babysit while I paint (or nap), volunteers to bring me cookies and keep me company while I paint (or nap).

La Fin.


The United Statements of Merica said...

I LOVE IT!! In another life when i have ambition and $$. I will have the house of my dreams. I am so happy for you. I need you to come and give me ideas. And you look beautiful.. so stylin'

Sharlee said...

Ooh. Pick me, pick me! I'll come help you if you come help me turn my house into a home, now that we've lived here for 7 1/2 years.
I love it all, including the red heels and fancy nylons! Where did you find such things?
The circle wall is my favorite. Kimi and I need to come see it in person still.

Jason said...

Love it all. I am a big fan of turquoise! I just bought the cutest little stool, to use as a corner accent. I bought it at the DI and it was really ugly, but I painted it turquoise, sanded and stained it and it is now my favorite thing in the house! It makes me happy. I will email you a picture.
Also. Love your outfit!

Amber said...

Oh my cuteness (and I'm talking about the pretty lady in the first picture, not the wall. Although the wall is awesome, so don't think I hate it or anything. I just happened to be talking about you more so than the wall, which I swear I think is adorable). And I love love love that you work out now. Yet another reason I wish we lived closer. We could be gym rats together.

Marianne said...

Holy cow! So stinking cute! Are you wearing netted nylons? You're so daring and darling! Can I be like you when I grow up?

Michelle said...

You need to write a book. And when you write a book you MUST add pictures. Your photography just keeps on getting better and better! It was stinkin' good to begin with.

I love your wall.
I love your outfit, as you sit in the chair.
I love your orange piece of furnature with the turquoise lamp (I think I am inspired to put orange lamps in my turquoise guest bedroom)
I vote for Brown as I hope to paint my living room wall brown at some point. BUT I must warn you, dust shows up on brown! I painted my bathroom base board brown/black and all I see is DUST. Needless to say my plant of taking that color throughout the house has been halted.

Should I have sent you an email?

Parley and Anna said...

Holy Cuteness! I so love all the color. Your house would be a house that makes me happy to be inside.
And you look amazing too! I love the nylons and the bright bow. And are those red shoes you're wearing? *screams of delight*
p.s. I love your approach to writing; I always laugh at least once so it can't be that pessimistic!

Mardee Rae said...

Yeah, if those are nylons, you should just get those tattooed on. They suit you well. And they suit your turquoise wall well.
Love it. Love your house. And I volunteer to come keep you company. Or to come nap. both? see you there.
Oh, and love/hate what exersize is doing to you. It's fun to start feeling so great, but if it's going to deprive us, your adoring fans, then you just might find your legs getting broken in a very mafia-like scenario. (please read that with a mafia-like accent)

Sawdust Girl said...

Andrea, you are adorable and I love that wall. You should post a little tutorial. Although then you would have so many copy cats you would have to redo your own wall. So, just scrap the tutorial idea altogether and be proud of a wall well done.

Rindee said...

Andrea, what is the blog that inspired your entry wall?

Sawdust Girl said...

Ok, a blog archive would be nice here. I wanted to find this pic to put with your award. So now it's up on my blog under your name with a direct link to this post. Do love this wall. I did't take the time to go through all your older posts before so I had to go edit it. It's such a nice wall!

Tru said...

I saw this post on Sawdust and Paper Scraps. I love it! So cheap and easy.