Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I promised you Halloween pictures, and by golly I want you to get your money's worth.

A rock star, a princess, and a dinosaur


Two nights of trunk/trick-or-treating


Obscene amounts of candy. Most of which was consumed by the scariest Halloween creature of all:

The Candy-Snatching Mom.


See, I told you she's scary.

(and dorky).

The End.

*I hope I don't get sued for posting a picture of all my nephews/nieces without parental consent. Oh wait, none of my in-laws read my blog, so never mind.


Mardee Rae said...

So cute! Thanks for sharing. Couldn't help but notice that your tone seemed a bit...unamused. But at least you snatched some candy. I was hoping somebody was going to dress up as a giant dead Elk, seeing as I think you have the costume.
Oh, and thank you for gifting the names to me! I feel so flattered that I'm tempted to use them, in spite of the fact that I've already spent my whole pregnancy convincing my husband to accept the names I already chose :)
I like them, but I'm holding out for more Shu-man-children, if nothing more, so that I can enjoy what things you might blog about when preggers. (haha, just kidding. when you're done, you're done.)

Christy said...

Your kids were cute! It was good to see you Halloween night-all two minutes worth! :) And it's nice running into you at Walmart too! we should do that more often!

Marianne said...

What cute kids! And what good pictures too- you're a good photo taker! I was a scary candy snatcher too, although the scariest part now is my rear end.

Michelle said...

CUTE!!!! Did they all choose what they dressed up like?

Sharlee said...

Cute dinosaur costume and those pictures of Saylor scare me. (Great costume, though.) Don't you hate that you have to cover them (the costumes) up with coats so your kids won't freeze whilst trick-or-treating?

Lena said...

Love the costumes. And, two night? you survived? I am so completely done with candy in the house (granted, I was one of the biggest helpers when it came to getting rid of it--the faster you eat it, the faster it's gone!)

Priceless Heritage said...

Really cute! Love the rockstar look :)