Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh Somebody Had a Birthday

Our li-i-ttle-le Daddy dear... (sing with me, anyone?)

Yesterday was my beloved's birthday, and Birthday would be offended if he knew how loosely I used the term in this instance. It was, in fact, the anniversary of Ty's birth (the 34th one to be exact), but could have been mistaken for any other lame Tuesday by an outside observer. Ty has requested (to no avail) the same birthday gift every year since I have known him: no party and no presents. So this year I thought I'd go out of my way to make his wish come true. He even mentioned having no cake, which is just birthday blasphemy in my book! So, aside from the baking of his cake, I gave him the mirth-less day of his dreams. When all was said and done (I DID make us all go around the table during cake and ice cream and say what we liked best about the Daddy - first place goes to Sylas for his, "mmm, hmm...Daddy") I felt like a deflated balloon, all disappointed and a bit guilty (is that how balloons feel?). During an extra tight squeeze between the two of us I casually apologized that it hadn't been a very fun birthday for him, and that, "It didn't even feel special." His reply was perfect: * certain little chuckle I take to mean he thinks I'm cute (but probably just means he thinks I should be on medication) *, followed immediately by, "It didn't feel special for you because it wasn't YOUR birthday." I'll take that as a, "Thank you little wifey-poo for the perfect birthday, because my idea of 'special' is a lot simpler than yours...oh, and the homemade meal and cake were delicious (how DO you do it)...oh, and you are the most delightful creature to ever set foot on planet Earth." That IS what he meant, right?


Rindee said...

How is it possible for you two to live together with such differing views on the birth anniversary celebration?

Sounds like it works because you have awesome communication. You seem to interpret simple man talk so well. Many-a-marriage could benefit from your gift of interpretation.

Sharlee said...

Andrea, Andrea, Andrea. You are way too funny for your own good. Ty looks like he is in birthday heaven in that picture, so I guess you did your job. The cake looks divine--what recipe is it? You make me laugh. I can completely relate to this post, as you know, because my husband does the same thing. I have to tip-toe around his birthday and try not to let our kids know how weird he is about it so that they will continue to have a healthy sense of birthday. love you!

Priceless Heritage said...

Happy Birthday Ty! Come on Birthday's are for celebrating the most important day of all- your birth. What?? There were no fireworks, balloon launches, and suprise parties- wouldn't that be so fun (at least for the kids). Happy Day Ty!!!!

Amber said...

Our husbands are so alike that if we were blind and our they switched places, it might take us a good long time before we ever realized it.

ps. No money spent on present for husband means more money for us to spend on, well, us of course!

Christy said...

LOL!!! the words "laughing out loud" seem to not even come close as I read your posts! When I get to your blog and see that you have a new post, I make sure I don't have to pee real bad and if I do, I take a moment to relieve myself before proceeding to read your posts.Like Sharlee said, "you are too funny for your own good". That was fun to read, I might have to read it again!

Sharlee said...

p.s. In that picture, I love how "on the edge of their seats" with excitement your kids are and Ty is so ho hum.