Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Back and Forth

I hurt my back.

Did I tell you that already? 

Well it is true. Even though I wish it weren't.

And the worst part (okay, that is only a figure of speech; obviously the WORST part is the pain and debilitation) is that I don't have a cool story.

EVERYONE and their monkey's uncle, when faced with the information that you are now crippled by a back injury, immediately asks,

"How did you hurt it?!"

And they do it with a little gleam in their eye, like they expect a juicy, interesting story.

And every time, I feel a tiny moment of panic as I go through this process in my mind:

Oh no! I have nothing interesting to offer!
Stupid Back. WHY couldn't you get hurt in some unique, death-defying or, at the VERY least, respectable way like you're supposed to?!
Maybe I should lie.
Can I think of something fascinating and brilliant before this pause grows uncomfortable and suspicious?
Guess I'll just make this person wish they had never asked. 
Like always.
Thanks a lot, Back. 

And I shrug and say, "I don't know. It wasn't any one thing."

and watch as the listener looks around for someone with a much more considerate back. Someone whose back understands its role in social interactions; a back that goes out with a bang and a flourish. A human with a purpose-driven back; a back that makes goals and knows how to achieve them.

And not me and my dumb ol' boring bulging disk that can't be bothered to have even an ounce of dramatic flair.